Adding fractions is a pretty straightforward operation, if you follow the rules. But the key is to make sure the denominators are the same. That way, our point of reference is the same and we can now work the problem.
Here is the Rule for adding fractions:
If needed, we have to build each fraction so that the denominators are the same.
Then, we add the numerators.
The denominator of your answer will be the same denominator of the built-up fractions.
As always we have to reduce or simplify the answer, if required.
Note: We Do Not Add denominators!
Here is the Rule for adding fractions:
If needed, we have to build each fraction so that the denominators are the same.
Then, we add the numerators.
The denominator of your answer will be the same denominator of the built-up fractions.
As always we have to reduce or simplify the answer, if required.
Note: We Do Not Add denominators!
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